QueenAdmin - Beautiful Admin Dashboard
QueenAdmin is bootstrap responsive dashboard theme built with Sass and Compass. It has tons of features and ready-to-use ui elements, widgets, charts and pages.
Sometimes we just throw deals and freebies, so don't forget to follow us athttps://twitter.com/thedevelovers and https://www.facebook.com/thedevelovers
What's new in ver 1.1:
- ADDED new dashboard page
- ADDED more pages (Projects, Project Detail, FAQ, Pricing Tables with 3 different styles)
- ADDED more widgets and portlets (10+ items)
- ADDED menu levels
- ADDED wizards (arrow and circle styles)
- ADDED fixed top navigation toggle at style switcher
- UPDATED Font Awesome (4.2.0)
- UPDATED skins
- IMPROVED off-canvas navigation, simpler and efficient implementation
- IMPROVED minified navigation, smoother and cleaner transition
- IMPROVED the layout and ui element structure to be more simple and efficient
- REMOVED scrolling in the main navigation
- REMOVED left sidebar widgets, cleaner
QueenAdmin delivers so much features to enhance and save time on your project development.
- More widgets and portlets (10+ items) NEW
- Menu levels NEW
- Wizards (arrow and circle styles) NEW
- Fixed top navigation toggle at style switcher NEW
- Stunning, clean and crisp design
- Responsive design
- Fancy form elements and form layout examples
- Form validation
- In-place editing field
- Markdown and WYSIWYG text editor
- Working drag and drop upload
- Widgets, includes ajax-enabled widget
- Minified and off-canvas navigation
- Printer-friendly invoice
- Table with pagination, column filter, drag and drop colum reorder, data export and others
- Line Chart, Area Chart, Bar Chart, Donut Chart and mini charts
- Built with Sass and well organized HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript files
- Page templates (profile, search result, inbox, view message, new message, knowledge base, submit ticket, invoice, login, register and error pages)
- Growl-like notifications
- Bootstrap tour
- Vector map and Google map
- 10 built-in skins
- HTML5 (validated) / CSS3 / Sass + Compass
- Documentation
- More to come in future updates ...
HTML Pages
- Additional dashboard page NEW
- Projects NEW
- Project Detail NEW
- Pricing Tables with 3 different styles NEW
- Dashboard
- Fancy Elements
- In-place Editing
- Bootstrap Elements
- Form Layouts
- Validation
- File Upload
- Text Editor
- General UI Elements
- Buttons
- Tabs
- Tour
- Icons
- Widgets
- Page: Profile
- Page: Search Result
- Page: Inbox
- Page: View Message
- Page: New Message
- Page: Knowledge Base
- Page: Submit Ticket
- Page: Invoice
- Page: Register
- Page: Login
- Page: Login Alternative
- Page: Not Found 404
- Page: Error 505
- Page: Blank
- Basic Charts
- Interactive Charts
- Static Tables
- Dynamic Tables
- Maps
- Typography
PHP Files
- PHP to process uploaded files
- PHP to process AJAX call via widget
Sass Files
- Well structured Sass with partial .scss files
- Easy to customize for your development project
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