Opacity - Responsive Admin Theme
Currently on sale at 50% off!!!
Opacity Admin is a fully responsive template for administrators. It is very lightweight and beautifully designed. The theme is built on Bootstrap 3 and was carefully put together to join both an aesthetic feel and administrative usefulness. There are enough options and customizations to make Opacity Admin your own. There was a lot of research put into this theme and it will continue to grow as I find more useful and important items to add to it. Designed and written by a professional software engineer and UI designer.
Stunning Theme/Colors
Lightweight for Mobile Use
HTML Example Pages
- Dashboard
- Composition/Typography
- Charts
- Widgets
- General UI Elements
- Buttons
- Notifications
- Icons
- Form Elements
- Form Examples
- Form Validation
- Static Tables
- DataTables
- Gallery
- Storyboard
- Calendar
- Maps
- Business Pricing Table
- Invoice
- Login
- Support/FAQ
- Grid
- 404 Error
- More to come...!
- Responsive design, supports cross-browser compatibility and mobile use
- Bootstrap 3
- Font Awesome 4
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Charting (xCharts, Flot, Sparklines, Morris)
- Dynamic Tables (Datatables)
- Calendar (FullCalendar)
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Google Maps (Customized info-windows, markers, charts, styles)
- Notifications (Gritter)
- Login Page (Custom designed example page)
- Custom Pricing and Invoice Tables
- Masked Input
- Gallery (Colorbox, custom controls)
- Dynamic Form Select (Select2)
- Auto-complete Search (Typeahead)
- Bootstrap WYSIWYG (Summernote)
- Form Validation (bootstrapValidator)
- Multiple backgrounds
Exclusive Features
- Opacity Switches (Exclusively for Opacity Admin)
- Opacity Widgets (Exclusively for Opacity Admin)
- Opacity Storyboard (Exclusively for Opacity Admin)
Browser Support
- IE 9+
- Chrome (Latest)
- Firefox
- Opera
- Safari (mobile & browser)
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