Origin Admin - WebApp Dashboard
Origin Admin - Responsive WebApp Dashboard is a fully featured, premium,Bootstrap Admin Template with Modern Style.
Based on Bootstrap 3, LESS with font-awesome & glyphicons PRO. Origin is based on latest Bootstrap 3, with LESS on board.
Origin Admin - Responsive WebApp Dashboard support Retina Displays, all elements look amazing!
Origin Admin - Responsive WebApp Dashboard contains over 1000 high resolution icons:
- Glyphicons PRO (SVG, PNG, Font Face) - you save $59
- Font Awesome (Font Face)
Include extra pages:
- Invoice
- Inbox
- ToDo & Timeline
- Profile
- Pricing Tables
- 404
- 500
- LockScreen
- Login
- Register
- Dashboard
New pages and features will be added soon
Include following plugins:
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Twitter Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- jQuery Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparkline
- Easy Pie Chart
- jQuery Knob
- FullCalendar
- jQuery dataTables
- jQuery Chosen
- jQuery Masked Input
- jQuery Input Limiter
- jQuery AutoSize
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap DateRange Picker
- jQuery UI Touch Punch
- ExplorerCanvas
- X-editable
- Select2
- Bootstrap Tags
- Dropzone.js
- Nestable lists
Version 1.0.0
- initial release
Version 1.0.3
- AJAX Version
Version 1.0.4
- JS improvements
- Bootstrap 3.2.0
- Social Buttons
- Nifty Modals
- Notifications
Version 1.0.5
- LESS & CSS improvements
Show Conversion Code Hide Conversion Code Show Emoticon Hide Emoticon